Book Reviewer Biographies


Biographies of Bryn Evans and Valerie Webber, writers of the two book reviews included in this issue of CPI.

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Peter Pastor    

This book is a compilation of essays by authors who were previously published elsewhere. Its main focus is on Ferenc Koszorús, a wartime colonel of the Hungarian army fighting as an ally of Germany who ostensibly was responsible for saving the Jews of Bu... see more

Saieed Moslemi Nezhad Arani    

The prominence of technology has always been booming since computers generated new lanes for human to make use of high-tech for many different purposes. Utilizing computers for learning goals, among many, is one of the main concerns followed by education... see more

Virginia F. Holmes    

            In this review of Ruggill and McAllister's Gaming Matters: Art, Science, Magic, and the Computer Game Medium, I seek to locate their argument within the larger framework of the game studies medium, specifica... see more