Home  /  Jurnal Ilmu Perilaku  /  Vol: 2 Núm: 1 Par: 0 (2018)  /  Article

Pembelian Kompulsif Ditinjau dari Kontrol Diri Guru Sekolah Dasar


The purpose this research to view negative correlation between self-control and compulsive buying of teacher at State Elementary School (SDN) in Kab. Tangerang. This research was conducted at SDN A, B, and C in Kab. Tangerang and use technique total population sampling, mean all of teachers in SDN A, B, and C as population this research is 46 teachers. Method use this research is quantitative with correlation test pearson products moments. Pearson products moments used for view negative correlation between self-control with compulsive buying of teacher at State Elementary School (SDN) A, B, and C in Kab. Tangerang. This research use compulsive buying scale adaptation from Faber & O’Guinn (1992) a = 0.870 and self-control scale adaptation from Tangney, Baumeister, & Boone (2004) a = 0.890. Result correlation test indicated negative correlation between self-control and compulsive buying of teacher at State Elementary School (SDN) in Kab. Tangerang.

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