Dislocated amplatzer occluder in the left atrium surgical retraction and pfo closure


A 42 year old man with recurrent episodes of TIA’s underwent heart catheterization and was diagnosed a PFO defect. Insertion of an 18 mm Amplatzer occluder under TEE guidance was performed and additional angiographic evaluation showed complete closure of the defect (Fig. 1). The next day, further assessment with MRI technique revealed a dislocation with a persistent left-right shunt of 9 %, and the patient was referred to the cardiac surgery department (Fig. 2). Opening of the right atrium displayed the Amplatzer occluder in the left atrium with an atrial septal aneurysma (Fig. 3). After simple removal of the occluder and excision of the aneurysm, a direct closure was performed and the patient was discharged 5 days latter.