Home  /  Clinical Dentistry  /  Núm: 1 Par: 0 (2018)  /  Article

Herbal medicinal product Resverazin in the complex treatment of generalized periodontitis


Summary. High prevalence, unfavorable effects of periodontal infection centers on the oral cavity condition determine the relevance of the problem of the use of phytopreparations in the treatment of generalized periodontitis.The aim of the study – to evaluate the clinical efficacy of the drug Resverazin in the complex treatment of generalized periodontitis.Materials and Methods. The study was attended by 43 patients, patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of primary and stage I. The main group was 25 people, the comparison group was 18. To assess the hygienic state of the cavity, the indices Green-Wermillion, ONI-S, Silness-Loe, Stallard were used. The assessment of the periodontal condition was conducted according to clinical signs; the severity of gingivitis was determined by the PMA index, the state is clear – according to the index of bleeding Muhlleman, the stages of destructive changes in the periodontium – according to the periodontal index (PI). For the treatment of periodontitis in both groups, traditional therapy was used. The patients in the main group were prescribed Resverazin for 1 capsule 2 times a day after eating. The course of treatment was 2 months.Results and Discussion. In an objective survey conducted before treatment, the average value of the index of hygiene in the main group was (1.64±0.31), in the comparison group – (1.59±0.23) points. The PMA index in the main group was (63.12±1.17), in the comparison group – (62.39±1.13) points. The ONI-S, Silness-Loe and Stallard indexes in the patients in the main group were (2.36±0.13), (1.54±0.08), (1.200±0.062) points, in the comparison group – (2.30±0.12), (1.51±0.06) and (0.890±0.032) points, respectively. The values of PI and the Muhlleman index in the groups were (1.22±0.09) and (2.21±0.13) and (1.24±0.13) and (2.18±0.11) points, respectively. During the treatment, a positive dynamics of the studied parameters was observed. The values of the PMA index (%) and PI were (10.23±1.11) and (0.63±0.11) in the main group and (11.22±1.19) and (0.84±0.12) in the comparison group.Conclusions. The obtained results confirm the high clinical efficiency of the natural complex Resverazin, the inclusion of which in the scheme of basic therapy of generalized periodontitis contributes to positive dynamics and stable changes in the tissues of periodontal disease.

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