Penerapan Fuzzy Inference System dengan Metode Mamdani untuk Deteksi Kerusakan Kelistrikan Sepeda Motor


At this time, transportation has clearly become a fundamental requirement. Already many people use the means of transportation to perform daily activities one motorcycle. The motorcycle is a vehicle which is widely used by the community, especially big city. Problems encountered on a motorcycle is because motorcycles have engine components are complicated and time to predict the level of damage a motorcycle requires a long time. Not a bit of motorcycle users can not repair itself because it does not know the components that exist on the bike so it took him kebengkel to fix it, although in fact damage the bike has a different level. In this study, the authors apply the fuzzy inference system mamdani method for predicting the level of damage to the motorcycle to resolve the issue. Because this method has the steps in the process such as fuzzyfikasi, inference and defuzzyfication. Variables used in the calculation of fuzzy inference system mamdani method is variable spark ignition, electric starter, carburetor and air filter. Testing is done with 3 test data calculations. The end result, the calculation method mamdani fuzzy inference system will display the score and the level of damage that occurs. And these applications are built using programming language Matlab.At this time, transportation has clearly become a fundamental requirement. Already many people use the means of transportation to perform daily activities one motorcycle. The motorcycle is a vehicle which is widely used by the community, especially big city. Problems encountered on a motorcycle is because motorcycles have engine components are complicated and time to predict the level of damage a motorcycle requires a long time. Not a bit of motorcycle users can not repair itself because it does not know the components that exist on the bike so it took him kebengkel to fix it, although in fact damage the bike has a different level. In this study, the authors apply the fuzzy inference system mamdani method for predicting the level of damage to the motorcycle to resolve the issue. Because this method has the steps in the process such asfuzzyfikasi, inference and defuzzyfication. Variables used in the calculation of fuzzy inference system mamdani method is variable spark ignition, electric starter, carburetor and air filter. Testing is done with 3 test data calculations. The end result, the calculation method mamdani fuzzy inference system will display the score and the level of damage that occurs. And these applications are built using programming language Matlab.

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