Implementasi Rapid Application Development Model pada Aplikasi Pendaftaran Rawat Jalan Berbasis Web


The outpatient registration system at Awal Bros Hospital Tangerang is still done with patients coming to the hospital to register. The current patient registration process at Awal Bros Tangerang Hospital still lacks considering the Awal Bros Hospital Tangerang is a large hospital with a large number of patients. The application is built on the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model that emphasizes the short and rapid application development cycle. In addition, by involving the user during the application development process, causing the user needs can be met well. Web-based outpatient registration application can provide easy access to the patient so that simplify and shorten the registration process time. This web-based outpatient registration application has been successfully created and informed and tested to 35 patients at Awal Bros Hospital Tangerang, the result is 31 patients understood and satisfied, 2 patients are still studying and 3 patients do not understand with this web-based outpatient application. Thus this application is proven to facilitate the patient in doing outpatient registration online at Awal Bros Tangerang Hospital.

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