Cable fault classification in ADSL copper access network using machine learning


Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is the technology widely deployed worldwide, but its performance may be limited with respect to its intrinsic. The nature of the copper cable causes it to be more susceptible to signal degradation and faulty line. Common ADSL line faults are short-wired fault, open-wired fault, bridge taps, and uneven pair. However, ADSL technology is still one of the most established networks, and users in the suburban area still depend on the technology to access the internet service. This paper discussed and compared a machine learning algorithm based on Decision Trees (J48), K-Nearest Neighbor, Multi-level Perceptron, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, and Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) for ADSL line impairment that affects the line operation performance concerning their percentage of accuracy. Resulting from classifications done using algorithms as mentioned above, the random forest algorithm gives the highest overall accuracy for the ADSL line impairment dataset. The best algorithm for classifying DSL line impairment is chosen based on the highest accuracy percentage. The accomplishment classification of fault type in the ADSL copper access network project may benefit the telecommunication network provider by remotely assessing the network condition rather than on-site.

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