Home  /  Jurnal Sosio Sains  /  Vol: 7 Núm: 2 Par: 0 (2021)  /  Article

Perilaku Responsivitas Birokrasi Dalam Pelayanan Publik Pada Kantor Dinas Perikanandan Kelautan Kota Palopo


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) Gambaran perilaku birokrasi responsivitas dalam pelayanan publik pada DinasPerikanan dan Kelautan  di  Kota   Palopo.  (2) Faktor-faktor   determinan   yangmenentukan perilaku birokrasi responsivitas dalam memberikan pelayanan publikpada Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan di Kota Palopo.(3) Model prototipe perilakubirokrasi  responsivitas pada Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan di Kota Palopo. Metode   penelitian   yaitu   jenis   penelitian   kualitatif   dengan   pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) perilaku  responsivitas birokrasi telah dilaksanakan secara optimal dalam memberikan pelayanan publikdilihat pada dimensi  pada Sopan, Adil, dan Peduli,  (2)  Faktor   determinan   dalam menumbuhkan perilaku responsivitas dalam rangka pemenuhan kepuasan publik dapat ditentukan olehdimensi kualitas sumber daya manusia, budaya,   kepemimpinan dan komitmenaparat birokrasi. (3) Alternatif model responsivitas birokrasi dilihat pada dimensi sikap sopan, adil,peduli, disiplin, peka dan  tanggungjawab  aparat  pelaksana dalam memberikanpelayanan membentuk perilaku  pada diri  aparat  birokrasi apabila  terpenuhinyafaktor komitmen dan   budaya dalam   pemenuhan   kepuasan   publik.This study aims to analyze (1) the description of responsiveness of bureaucratic behavior in public services at the Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs in Palopo City. (2) The determinant factors that determine the responsiveness of bureaucratic behavior in providing public services at the Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs in Palopo City. (3) A prototype model of responsiveness of bureaucratic behavior at the Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs in Palopo City. The research method is a type of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that: (1) bureaucratic responsiveness behavior has been carried out optimally in providing public services seen in the dimensions of Polite, Fair, and Caring, (2) The determinant factor in growing responsiveness behavior in order to fulfill public satisfaction can be determined by the dimensions of the quality of resources. people, culture, leadership and commitment of the bureaucratic apparatus. (3) The alternative model of bureaucratic responsiveness is seen in the dimensions of polite, fair, caring, disciplined, sensitive and responsible attitude of the implementing apparatus in providing services to shape the behavior of the bureaucratic apparatus if the commitment and cultural factors are fulfilled in fulfilling public satisfaction.

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