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Angela Dwi Pitri,Suhartini Ismail,Meira Erawati    

Kesuksesan dukungan nutrisi pasien terletak pada kesinambungan antara terapi obat, perawatan, diet dan peran interdisipliner tim diantaranya perawat dan ahli gizi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pandangan perawat dan ahli gizi tentang peran me... see more

I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Yogi Saputra,Ni Putu Emy Darma Yanti,Ni Kadek Ayu Suarningsih    

Peran kepemimpinan kepala ruangan memiliki fungsi penting yang dapat berpengaruh pada self-efficacy perawat, self-efficacy merupakan kemampuan perawat dalam pelaksanaan tugas khususnya patient safety sehingga dapat menghasilkan layanan keperawatan yang b... see more

Fachrina Bella Syahputri    

     The rise of cases of violence against children is increasingly being encountered and increasingly underestimated by the environment. Violence against children by irresponsible people can result in physical, psychological, depress... see more

Novita Kusumarini,Almahdy Almahdy,Syafrida Syafrida    

Patient safety incidents still found in various regions in Indonesia. ILO, Phlebitis and fall are the common cases found in hospital setting. Nurses play a vital role in patient safety because the nurse is a health worker who is 24 hours with the patient... see more

Irwina Angelia Silvanasari,M. Elyas Arif Budiman    

The toddler aggregate is one of the vulnerable groups in the community and has a fairly high prevalence of health problems. The family has an important role in the implementation of the family health care function to support the achievement of the health... see more