AbstrakPembiayaan komoditas pertanian sistem resi gudang belum berlangsung sesuai harapan di Indonesia. Hal tersebut menurut beberapa studi karena masih banyak permasalahan penghambat. Studi ini mengidentifikasi kendala pembiayaan komoditas pertanian sistem resi gudang di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap responden tertentu yang memiliki pengetahuan atau pengalaman pada pembiayaan komoditas pertanian berbasis sistem resi gudang yang diimplentasikan terhadap komoditas pertanian seperti kopi, lada, beras dan jagung. Data yang dikumpulkan diidentifikasi, dikelompokkan dan diklasifikasikan secara terstruktur di dalam pola berfikir strategis dan dianalisa secara analisa deskriptif. Penelitian ini berhasil menemukan faktor penghambat pembiayaan komoditas pertanian sistem resi gudang di Indonesia antara lain: ketidaksesuaian nilai manfaat yang dibangun dengan karakteristik petani di Indonesia khususnya petani kecil; keterbatasan sumber layanan, ketidakcocokan skema dan fitur pembiayaan, harga pembiayaan dan skala ekonomi petani, suplai informasi yang memengaruhi kesadaran pada pembiayaannya. Permasalahan tersebut harus dapat diminimalisasi sehingga meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan kelangsungan pembiayaan sistem SRG pada petani di Indonesia.Kata kunci: Pembiayaan Komoditas Pertanian, Kendala, Sistem Resi Gudang AbstractAgricultural commodity financing in the warehouse receipt system has not performed as expected in Indonesia. According to several studies, it is due to many obstacles hindering the system to grow. This study identifies the constraints on agricultural commodities financing on the warehouse receipt system. The research was conducted through in-depth interviews with certain respondents who have knowledge or experience in agricultural commodities financing based on a warehouse receipt system implemented on agricultural commodities such as coffee, pepper, rice, and maize. The collected data are identified, grouped, and classified in a structured manner in the pattern of strategic thinking and analyzed by descriptive analysis. The study succeeded to identify the barriers that hindering agricultural commodities financing in warehouse receipt system to grow in Indonesia: the incompatibility of the value built with the characteristics of agriculture business, especially for small farmers; limited financing sources, incompatibility of financing schemes and features, financing prices and farmer economies of scale and supply of information that affects awareness of financing. These problems must be minimized to encourage the accessibility and continuity of financing on WRS for farmers in Indonesia.Keywords: Agricultural Commodity Financing, Contraints, Warehouse Receipt SystemJEL Classification: D46, F6, F61, F65, Q14

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