Maternal knowledge and attitudes towards rotavirus diarrhea and vaccine acceptance in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a qualitative study


AbstractBackground Rotavirus is a leading cause of hospitalized diarrhea cases in Indonesia. Despite the rotavirus vaccine being recommended by the Indonesian Pediatric Society since 2011, it has yet to be been included in the Indonesian national immunization program (NIP) schedule.Objective To explore maternal knowledge of and attitudes towards rotavirus diarrhea, as well as barriers to vaccine acceptance in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Methods We conducted 26 in-depth interviews in two districts (rural and urban areas) of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. Participants included women in their third trimester of pregnancy and mothers of infants younger than 14 weeks. We then proceeded with thematic analysis.Results Participants did not perceive diarrhea as being a priority health problem. Very few had heard of rotavirus diarrhea or were aware of vaccine availability. While participants would accept vaccinating their children against rotavirus, some key barriers impacted vaccine use. As the rotavirus vaccine is not included in the Indonesian NIP, parents perceived it as not essential. Parents were concerned about the safety and benefit of the vaccine due to its perceived newness. Other concerns were cost and halal status. Participants expressed a need for more information on the vaccine's effectiveness and safety, with their primary healthcare providers (HCPs) considered to play the most important role in vaccine acceptance.Conclusions In Yogyakarta, Indonesia, awareness of the seriousness of rotavirus disease and the availability of the rotavirus vaccine is low. Its newness, safety, efficacy, and cost, and doubts about its halal status, were barriers to vaccine acceptance. Information and recommendations from HCPs play an essential role in vaccine acceptance.

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Revista: Jurnal Litbang

Oligoamnios: epidemiología de un grave problema de la obstetricia moderna / Oligoamnios: Epidemiology of a serious problem in the Modern ObstetricsOligoamnios: epidemiología de un grave problema de la obstetricia moderna / Oligoamnios: Epidemiology of a serious problem in the Modern ObstetricsCon el objetivo de contribuir al mejor conocimiento del oligoamnios en nuestro medio, se realizó un estudio epidemiológico, observacional y analítico (casos y controles) en gestantes con oligoamnios en el Hospital General Universitario "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" de Pinar del Río, en el período comprendido enero - diciembre de 2006. Se estudió un grupo de gestantes con oligoamnios por ultrasonido y un grupo control de gestantes sin esa entidad. Se estudiaron variables de la madre, del embarazo, nacimiento y neonato. Se utilizaron como métodos el Porcentaje, Media, Desviación estándar, Ji cuadrado, Odds Ratio con un intervalo de confianza del 95% (IC 95%) y el Riesgo Atribuible Porcentual (RAP). Los principales factores de riesgo fueron: el bajo peso al inicio de la gravidez (OR=16,7 y RAP=58,9%), el crecimiento intrauterino retardado (OR=5,5 y RAP=49,9%) y el embarazo prolongado (OR=3,8 y RAP=43,9); la insuficiente ganancia de peso y la senectud placentaria sólo estuvieron presentes en el grupo de control. El oligoamnios, a su vez, fue el factor de riesgo de labor inducida de parto y de puntaje de Apgar< 7 puntos a los 5 minutos de nacido. El 47,2% de las gestantes terminaron la gestación por cesárea primitiva y el sufrimiento fetal agudo fue la principal causa. El CIUR estuvo involucrado en gran medida con el oligoamnios y la asfixia severa recuperada fue dos veces más frecuente en las gestantes con ILA < 2,5 percentil; la no recuperada resultó ser causa de mortalidad neonatal en nuestra serie. No hubo muerte materna. Palabras claves: Oligoamnios, factor de riesgo, asfixia, cesárea primitiva.ABSTRACTAimed at contributing to the better knowledge of Oligoamnios in obstetric context an epidemiological, analytical and observation study (cases and control) in pregnant women presenting oligoamnios at "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" University Hospital in Pinar del Rio was conducted during January-December 2006. A group of pregnant women with oligoamnios (ultrasonic scanning) and a control group without this entity were included in the study. Variables of mothers, pregnancy, birth and newborn were studied. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square test, odds ratio with confidence interval (CI- 95%) and the attributable risk percent (ARP) were used as statistical methods. The main risk factors were: low-weight at early pregnancy (OR= 16,7 and ARP =58,9%), retarded intrauterine growth (OR= 5,5 and ARP= 49,9%) and the prolonged pregnancy (OR= 3,8 and ARP= 43,9); being only present in the control group the insufficient weight-gaining and the placental aging. The Oligoamnios was, at the same time, a risk factor for induced labor and to the Apgar score < 7 at 5 minutes birth. The 47, 2% of the pregnants ended the pregnancy with a primitive cesarean section and acute fetal distress was the main cause. The retarded intrauterine growth was in large measure associated with oligoamnios and recovered severe asphyxia was twice more frequent in pregnants with ILA < 2, 5 percentile; no-recovered asphyxia was the cause of newborn-death in this series, having no maternal death. Key words: Oligoamnios, risk factor, asphyxia, primitive cesarean section.

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