Prevention of early invasive infections with group B streptococci in the newborn – microbiological methods for detection of collonization before and at birth


At the end of last year, the Health Council of the Republic of Slovenia adopted a programme for the prevention of early invasive neonatal infections caused by group B streptococci, which includes universal screening of pregnant women between the 35th and 37th week of pregnancy. In this article, we provide an overview of the different diagnostic modalities for screening for collonization and the factors that significantly influence the success of screening, both in gynaecological practise and in the microbiology laboratory. We instruct the reader on the proper collection and transport of specimens. We also present the chosen testing strategy, using a combination of enriched culture and molecular testing, and provide the reader with a list of registered molecular tests suitable for screening. In the last part of the article, we discuss the importance of the hypervirulent clone CC -17, which causes most invasive neonatal infections in Slovenia, and the methods by which it can be detected.

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