COVID-19 Chest X-Ray Detection Performance Through Variations of Wavelets Basis Function


Our previous work regarding the X-Ray detection of COVID-19 using Haar wavelet feature extraction and the Support Vector Machines (SVM) classification machine has shown that the combination of the two methods can detect COVID-19 well but then the question arises whether the Haar wavelet is the best wavelet method. So that in this study we conducted experiments on several wavelet methods such as biorthogonal, coiflet, Daubechies, haar, and symlets for chest X-Ray feature extraction with the same dataset. The results of the feature extraction are then classified using SVM and measure the quality of the classification model with parameters of accuracy, error rate, recall, specification, and precision. The results showed that the Daubechies wavelet gave the best performance for all classification quality parameters. The Daubechies wavelet transformation gave 95.47% accuracy, 4.53% error rate, 98.75% recall, 92.19% specificity, and 93.45% precision.

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