Adaptation of Interactions between Parent and People with Psychotic Mental Disorders


Many families in Wonogiri Regency faced challenges caring for people with psychotic mental disorders. Having a mental disorder is not only a burden for the sufferer but also a burden for the family who takes care of him. People with mental disorders are generally unable to carry out daily activities. However, the families should communicate and interact with people and their mental disorders, even though in disabled, to support their healing. This research used a qualitative method to know how the adaptation patterns of interactions occurred in communication activities, especially between parents and people with psychotic mental disorders. The research data were collected through in-depth interviews with parents taking care of family members with mental disorders, as well as through document studies. The data were analyzed using descriptive and interpretive analysis. The research results indicated that interaction adaptation occurred verbally and non-verbally. The pattern of compensation and reciprocity was shown by parents when communicating with people with psychotic mental disorders. Parental awareness of psychological disorders experienced by people with psychotic disorders significantly affects understanding during the adaptation process.

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