The Metaphorical Thinking of Junior High School Students in Solving Algebra Problems

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Sukma MurniSylvia Rabbani    

This study aims to determine the development of mathematical Metaphorical Thinking capabilities of Bantaran Citarum Elementary School students through a Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach better than those using ordinary learning. The method ... see more

Ika Wahyuni,Muchamad Subali Noto,Ayu Nur Hikmah    

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tingkat pencapaian hasil belajar siswa dankemampuan literasi matematis siswa masih rendah dibawah nilai yang diharapkan. Halini didukung dengan hasil belajar siswa pada ulangan akhir semester yang lalu, pelajaranmatem... see more

Revista: Euclid

Heris Hendriana,Euis Eti Rohaeti,Wahyu Hidayat    

This control-group posttest-only experimental design study aims to investigate the role of learning that teaches metaphorical thinking in mathematical questioning ability of junior high school teachers. The population of this study was mathematics junior... see more

Devia Ananda, Fajar Nur Afifah, Fajar Nur Afifah, Nurapni Sopia    

This research is motivated by the importance of the ability of mathematical disposition to the material of arithmetic sequences and series in terms of mathematical ability. Where the purpose of learning mathematics contains cognitive aspects seen from pr... see more