Analisis Spasial Untuk Klasifikasi Pengembangan Tempat Penampungan Sementara Menggunakan Metode Jaringan Syaraf TiruanSpatial Analysis for Classification of Temporary Shelter Development Using Artificial Neural Network Method


Garbage is a problem that needs an in-depth study in urban areas because the development of an area has consequences on increasing population density, facilities and infrastructure, public services, and other aspects that impact increasing the volume of waste. The distribution of temporary waste shelters (TPS) in each area is still insufficient to accommodate the volume of waste, and its availability is inadequate. The purpose of this study is to model spatial data through spatial analysis using artificial intelligence methods in classifying the development of integrated temporary shelter locations (TPST) and regional integrated temporary shelters (TPST Regions) by utilizing Web-based technology (Geographical Information System (Web-GIS). The Artificial Neural Network method with the Backpropagation algorithm is used for the spatial analysis process based on the parameters of the population, the amount of organic and inorganic waste, the amount of industrial waste, and the volume of the TPST and Regional TPST capacity. The spatial analysis results using the Artificial Neural Network method obtained an accuracy value of 7171.02%. The results of this study can be the basis for Department of Environment and Cleanliness policies for the development of TPST and TPST areas with information coverage at the village level.

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