Analisis Perilaku Preventif Keputihan Berdasarkan Health Promotion Model Theory Pada Remaja Putri


Leucorrhoea can be caused by inadequate leucorrhoea preventive efforts. Health promotion model theory emphasizes the active role of individuals in regulating their behavior with the aim of preventing a disease. This study aims to determine the factors associated with leucorrhoea preventive behavior based on the health promotion model theory in adolescent girls. This study used a descriptive analytic design with a cross-sectional approach. Sampling was simple random sampling with a sample size of 111 students. The research instrument was a questionnaire and the data were analyzed using the chi square statistical test. The dependent variable in this study is the preventive behavior of leucorrhoea. The independent variables in this study are self-motivation, perceived benefits of action, interpersonal influence, and commitment to action. The results of statistical tests showed that the majority of respondents engaged in preventive behavior in 77 students (69.4%), 82 students had high self-motivation (73.9%), 72 students (64.9%) had high perceived benefits. 60 students (54.1%) high interpersonal, and 71 students (64.0%) strong action commitment. The relationship between self- motivation (p = 0.008), action benefits (p = 0.000), interpersonal influence (p = 0.044) and action commitment (p = 0.335) with leucorrhoea preventive behavior in young girls. There is a relationship between self-motivation, perceived benefits of action, and interpersonal influence with leucorrhoea preventive behavior based on the health promotion model theory in adolescent girls. The benefit of action is the variable that has the greatest influence on the preventive behavior of leucorrhoea. There is no relationship between action commitment and leucorrhoea preventive behavior. It is hoped that more and more students will take preventive measures for leucorrhoea.

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