Sifat Preservasi Lingkaran dan Garis Pada Transformasi Möbius DOI : 10.34312/jjom.v4i2.13497 | Abstract views : 45 times


This article discusses Möbius transformation from the point of view of algebra to describe one of its geometric properties, i.e. preserving circles and lines in complex planes. In simple terms, this preservation means that Möbius transformation maps a collection of circles and lines (back) into a collection of circles and lines. In general, the discussion begins with an explanation of the definition of the Möbius transformation in the complex plane. The discussion continues on defining the basic mapping and direct affine transformation. These two concepts are used to prove the existence of the preservation properties of circles and lines in the Möbius transformation. It can be shown that the Möbius transformation can be expressed as a composition of the direct affine transform and the inverse. It can also be shown that the direct affine transform and the inverse both have the property of preserving circles and lines in the complex plane. Thus, it can be concluded that in this study the Möbius transformation has the property of preserving circles and lines in the complex plane.

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