Tueak Serembeak: The Role of Parenting in Early Character Development and Education


The challenge of implementing character education has an impact on the development of children's character. This study aims to describe the form of parenting using tueak serembeak in early character development and education in the Rejang tribe. This qualitative research uses a case study method with two male respondents. Data was collected by documentation, interviews, observations, and field notes and analysed using the Miles and Huberman stages. The theoretical study as the basis of research shows that tueak serembeak can form twelve characters in early childhood, responsibility, courage to take decisions, sharing, caring, survival, tenacity, cooperation, hard work, never give up, keep the spirit, dare to accept challenges, and be patient in dealing with problems. However, the findings in the field show that there are only four characters that appear, being responsible, sharing, caring and patient in dealing with problems. Other characters that appear not based on the teachings of tueak serembeakare independent, creative, and friendly characters. This happens because of the influence of external intervention, education in Air Raman Village, which has developed, advanced technology and open community life. A suggestion for further research, is experimental research based on tueak serembeak teachings that can explain more clearly the influence of this teaching on other aspects of child development.Keywords: Early Character Development, Parenting, Tueak SerembeakReferences:Acar, I. H., Uçus, S., & Yildiz, S. (2017). Parenting and Turkish children’ s behaviour problems: The moderating role of qualities of parent – child relationship moderating role of qualities of parent – child relationship. 4430(September)., K. R. (2014). Penanaman Karakter Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Pada Masyarakat Samin.Asscheman, J. S., He, J., Koot, S., Buil, J. M., Krabbendam, L., & Lier, P. A. C. Van. (2020). 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