This article intends to explain Muhammadiyah's efforts to protect the former PKI involved in the 1965 incident in Yogyakarta. Previously, the socio-religious organization was known to have protected PKI sympathizers and members who survived military operations. After the arrests took place, the atmosphere in Yogyakarta was very worrying, especially the large number of neglected children, and discrimination often arose which could create divisions among the community. Meanwhile, in the midst of this stressful situation, Muhammadiyah is here to play a role in solving this phenomenon in a relatively new way and has not been carried out by any socio-religious organization. The problem raised from the research is why Muhammadiyah took the initiative to protect former PKI involvement in the west of the Yogyakarta Palace. Whereas before the incident of 65', Muhammadiyah was often involved in confrontations with the PKI. This research uses a historical methodology with an anthropological approach to Michel Foucalt's theory of power. The aim is to find out the process of Muhammadiyah social movement in the period 1965-1970 in Yogyakarta. While the novelty of this research is knowing the Muhammadiyah movement to resolve the post-G30S/PKI riots by using various efforts; (Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar practice), (Religious development and re-Islamization), (Recruiting former PKI in religious activities), and through (Muhammadiyah educational institutions).KEYWORDS: Muhammadiyah, PKI, G30S, Keraton, Yogyakarta

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