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Nazife Gürhan    

Kentlerin mekânsal organizasyonunun sekillenmesinde hâkim beden algisinin etkili oldugunu belirten Richard Sennett, Ten ve Tas adli kitabinda kültür, inanç ve iktidarin beden üzerinden kent mekanina yansimalarini incelemektedir. Kitapta Atina, Roma, Pari... see more

Funda Kiziler Emer    

“Küresel köy”e dönüsen çokkültürlü, çokdilli postmodern dünyamizda, ulusal filolojilerdeki akademik çalismalarin bile karsilastirmali yazin çalismalarina dönüstügü gözlenmektedir. Özellikle milenyuma girilmesiyle birlikte tüm dünyada oldugu gibi ülkemizd... see more

Ismail Dinçarslan, Erksin Güleç    

The first known study on the physical growth of children in Ottomans was “Sâkirdlerimizin nemâ-yi bedenîsi” by Nafi Atuf (Kansu) in 1917 which was on the students living in Bursa. As a result of literature review, we reached the book named “Almanlar Gibi... see more

Namik Çencen    

The work of "us and the other" in the history textbook researches is one of the topics that attracted the attention of the researchers recently. In this research, “Us and the other” sample tried to determine how Iran and relations with Iran are explained... see more

Necdet Yilmaz    

AbstractIsmail Najati efendy was born in Safranbolu in 1258/1842-3. After completing primary education in his hometown, he came to Istanbul and completed his education there, then he was engaged in teaching as a mudarris. Besides being a participant of H... see more