Romanian Trans-Boarder Cooperation Programs


The EU competition depends on the competition from each region and town of the EU. The territorial cohesion became in these conditions (beside the economical and social cohesion) an important objective of the EU. Its purpose is to make stronger the role of the regions, towns and rural environment at European level and to gradually eliminate the territorial differences. For the period 2007 – 2013 the territorial dimension of the cohesion policy implies: all the community areas must have the possibility to contribute to the European development; for a balanced development it is necessary to ensure both the development of the urban areas and the development of the rural areas. This study analyzes the territorial cooperation programs with their general aspects, with their common points and analyzes in detail the programs where our country is a component. Cohesion policy U.E. support balanced and sustainable development of the EU, at its regions and cross-border cooperation. Our country is part of the few border cooperation programs.


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Revista: Ambiência