-Son Degisiklikler Kapsaminda- Kamu Hizmeti Imtiyaz Sözlesmeleri Uyusmazliklarinda “Tahkim” / -In the Context of the Recent Amendments- "Arbitration" In Public Service Concession Agreement Disputes


ABSTRACT Public law concession agreements, contracts between administrative and private law real or legal entities. Contracts aimed at ensuring the provision of services without undergoing high financial "burdens". In the case of disputes concerning public service concession agreements, preference is given to the settlement disputes with arbitral jurisdiction rather than settlement of court disputes, usually by private contracting parties. In our work, firstly we will give information about the concept of public service concession agreement and arbitration, then, in the Turkish administrative law, the "obstruction of arbitration", which will rule until 1999, and the elimination of the ban will be discussed. Later, the elements and procedure of the arbitration will be examined in detail in the context of "recent changes", followed by the determination of the substantive rules of law to be applied to the merits of the dispute in the arbitration proceedings, and finally, to be given information about the decisions to be made on the basis of the arbitration proceedings.ÖZKamu hukuku imtiyaz sözlesmeleri, idare ve özel hukuk gerçek ya da tüzel kisileri arasinda akdedilen ve idarenin, teknoloji, is gücü vb. konularda, yüksek mali “yük”ler altina girmeksizin, hizmet saglanmasini amaçlayan sözlesmelerdir. Kamu hizmeti imtiyaz sözlesmeleri ile ilgili söz konusu olabilecek uyusmazliklarda ise, sözlesmeye taraf özel hukuk kisilerince, genellikle, mahkemelerce uyusmazligin çözümü yerine, tahkim yargilamasi ile uyusmazligin çözümü tercih edilmektedir. Çalismamizda, öncelikle, kamu hizmeti imtiyaz sözlesmesi ve tahkim kavramlari hakkinda bilgi verilecek, ardindan, Türk idare hukukunda, 1999 yilina kadar egemen olan “tahkim yasagi” ve yasagin bertaraf edilmesi hususlari ele alinacaktir. Sonrasinda ise, tahkim yargilamasinin unsurlari ve usulü detayli olarak, “son degisiklikler kapsaminda” incelenecek, ardindan, tahkim yargilamasinda ihtilafin esasina uygulanacak maddi hukuk kurallarinin tespiti ve son olarak da, tahkim yargilamasi neticesinde hükmolunacak kararlarin icrasi hakkinda bilgi verilecektir.

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