Home  /  Granì  /  Vol: 19 Núm: 7 Par: 0 (2016)  /  Article

Self-actualization and self-realization of personality in philosophical - educational discourse


 The identification of terms of self­actualization and self­realization, which is carried out by many authors, is methodologically unjustified. For educational philosophy significance of such differentiation because they essentially reflect different aspects of postmodern main purpose of education and therefore are in the center of philosophical and scientific educational research. Attention should take and the loss of both scientific research and educational practice, which causes unjustified mixing the contents of the concepts of self­actualization and self­realization. Among philosophers of education and teachers growing understanding of the need terminological definition of the phenomenon of self­actualization and self­realization in educational activities. Self­actualization ­ is the deployment of personal potential, growth and development of the human person, which is due to natural deploy it that inherent in it as being generic, as it contains a reference ideal, and therefore actualized potential future. Self­actualization is a process of self­discovery, development priorities, and this process has its origins inner world of man, his essence. At the same time as essentially self­actualization, ancestral process based on spiritual values and therefore linked to the priority of the individual for the good of another in the broadest context, and therefore can be considered as a basic process of self­identity and purpose integrated educational activities focused on him. Instead, self­realization ­ the process of implementation of their individual skills, knowledge and talents in life, thus affirming in life as a person, is the process of establishing themselves as individuals in society, to some extent, it gains the most suitable for the individual life area. Self­realization ­ a realization of their current desires of their knowledge, skills and abilities, their current ideas about themselves and their way of life. Moreover, this phenomenon is largely practical and utilitarian nature, under the subordination of the process external requirements to ensure the success of self­realization is rather high. Self­realization can be self­centered in the direction of lower dominance needs and utilitarian purposes of the higher spiritual. In the educational activities of self­realization as the goal should apply to the individual in certain specific contexts, subject to the overall process of self­actualization.

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