The Study of Antropochore Vegetation from Some Forestry Associations


The antropochore plants (weeds and invasive plants) succeed to be incorporated in some plant formations from the natural environment getting in fight with the species of that formation plant. There are mentioned 130 species (3,7%) as antropochore plants into the Romanian flora. The study of the antropochore vegetation was done during the vegetative year 2010 (May-October) being based on direct observations correlative with date from got from the Romanian flora, this study was to be carried forward in the next years. In the present work it is presented the study of the antropochore vegetation from four forestry associations:? Salicetea purpuraea Association (Moor 1958) that contains 18 antropochore species;? Fraxino-Ulmetum Associations (Tx. 1952) Oberd. 1953; Telekio speciosae-Alnetum incanae (Coldea, 1990), Aegopodio-Alnetum (Karpati et Jurkó, 1961) where were identified 8 antropochore species;? Querco-Fagetea Association (Vlieger, 1937) that contains 16 antropochore species care and,? Querco petraeae – Carpinetum Association (Soó et Pocs, 1957) where were identified 10 antropochore species.