Home  /  Granì  /  Vol: 21 Núm: 4 Par: 0 (2018)  /  Article

Oleksandr Pol role in the secondary education development in Ekaterynoslav region


The role of Oleksandr Pol (1832-1890), a well-known Ukrainian public and cultural figure, entrepreneur and ethnographer, in the development of secondary education in Katerynoslav province in the second half of the nineteenth century is analyzed. The works of pre-revolutionary and modern researchers, which highlight the activity of O.M. Pol, are described. His activities as a head of the provincial zemstvo and a member of the provincial school council (1866-1872), which was the authority of the national education, created in accordance with the «Regulations on Elementary Schools» of July 14, 1864, are explained. The powers of the Board of Trustees of women’s gymnasiums are described in accordance with the «Regulation on women’s gymnasia and progymnasia of the Ministry of Education» of May 24, 1870 and the contribution of O.M. Pol as a member of the Board of Trustees of Katerynoslav Mariinsky Women’s Gymnasium (1871-1890) in the development of the educational institution and the secondary women education of the provincial center as a whole is shown. In particular, his role in the development of the material base of the gymnasium is outlined, this promoted to increase the number of pupils of the gymnasium in almost 1,5 times (from 325 to 486) during 1871-1881 and gave impetus to the establishment of the First City Women’s Gymnasium in 1883 in Katerynoslav.The range of powers of the honorary trustee of the non-classical secondary school in accordance with the «Statute of the school» determined from May 15, 1872, and the activity of O.M. Pol as an honorary trustee of the Katerynoslav non-classical secondary school, on this post he was elected three times (in 1882, 1885 and 1888) on the joint meetings of the provincial zemstvo assemblies and Ekaterinoslav city duma. ?.?. Pol activity as a head of the trusteeship of the Katerynoslav non-classical secondary school, which he occupied until 1888, is described. The result was an increase in the number of pupils in the (in 1882, 1885 and 1888) from 128 persons in the 1880-1881 academic year to 215 persons in the 1889-1890 academic year.The article gives estimations of activity ?.?. Pol and his contribution to the development of Katerinoslav Mariinsky Women’s Gymnasium and Katerynoslav non-classical secondary school made by the authors of the essays of these educational institutions O.Ya. Ryndovska (Chernova) and S.F. Tymoshenko, with whom he worked for a long time.

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