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Sirjana Dahal, Prakash Poudel, Nirrma Khadka, Sangita Dahal, Manita Acharya, Supriya Shrestha, Manita Maharjan    

Background: Majority of oral diseases are related to life style, which means that a behavioral change is needed to reduce the disease. This study was conducted to assess the attitude, behavior and oral health of the patients visiting a dental hospital an... see more

Jean Paul Perraudin    

Apart from the many other complications due to high blood sugar, people with uncontrolled diabetes are 3 times more likely to develop periodontal disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Other complications include halitosis, dry mouth, taste disorders, ap... see more

Modhi Al Deeb, Tariq Abduljabbar, Fahim Vohra, Muhammad S Zafar, Mudassir A. Hussain    

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate factors affecting oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) of patients using removable dental prosthesis.Methods: The present study employed a cross sectional analytical design. A total of 200 patients... see more

Ernesto Panesso Suescún, María Clara Calle Arroyave, Edwin J. Meneses Gómez    

La caries dental y la enfermedad periodontal constituyen un problema constante que demanda muchos recursos pero que sigue atacando día a día a la población, razón por la cual se deben explorar nuevas posibilidades de prevención y tratamiento co... see more

Rika Mayasari Alamsyah    

Kehamilan merupakan suatu proses fisiologis yang menimbulkan perubahan pada tubuh wanita baik fisik maupun psikis. Selama kehamilan terjadi perubahan pada rongga mulut terkait dengan perubahan hormonal, perubahan pola makan, perubahan perilaku dan berbag... see more