The strategic importance of internet usage as new media tool in the studies of sports marketing: “Analysis of sports clubs’ websites in Turkey and England”


Sports being of great interest around the world has been an important factor in the marketing field thanks to both favorite sportsmen and its reaching a large target audience. The competition existed in its any field makes it necessary to be carried out a strategic marketing plan so as to raise awareness of each sport club. It attracts attention that the sport clubs in the process of branding in accordance with their marketing targets consider the developments in new media and try to be dominant in marketing activities by taking the advantage of internet. Within this context, the great interest and adherence towards sports; how sports clubs having the most championships in the last ten years both in Turkey and England use internet in the marketing field; similarities and differences between them are presented in this study through the method of content analysis of each sport clubs’ website. It has been found that English sports clubs among the other clubs analyzed in this study are more successful in both being corporate, sports marketing and using social media. 

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