Examination of correlation among reaction time, strength, and flexibility of sedentary and athletes in different branchesFarkli branslarda yer alan sporcular ve sedanterlerde bazi biomotor özellikler ve reaksiyon zamani arasindaki iliskilerin incelenmesi


The purpose of this study was to contribute to the selection of talent by determining which parameters are more important for which branch between sports branches and how sports activities of different kinds and sedentary life affect some of the motoric characteristics found in the physiological structure of the human being. Adult athletes who have been sporting for at least three years and still actively engaged in sports and adult sedentary groups have participated in the study. Totally 212 participants that 157 were male and 55 were female, 119 of them were athletes and 93 were sedentary. All subjects voluntarily participating in the tests were subjected to a simple reaction time test (right hand and left hand), right and left claw, back and leg strength tests and flexibility (sit and reach) tests, respectively. Independent t-test was used for binary comparisons of data obtained and One-Way ANOVA was used to multiple comparisons. It was found that there was a statistically difference between both male-female athletes and sedentary male and females’ mean values of the right hand reaction time and values of claw-back and leg strength (p<0,05); and it was determined that there was no statistically difference between male and females’ means of left-hand reaction time and flexibility values (p>0,05). While there was a significant difference between sedentary and athletes’ means of reaction time, claw-back-leg strength and flexibility values (p<0,05), reaction time, strength measurements, and flexibility values have been found better in athletes as well as all other values have been found significant. It has been determined that there is a significant difference among athletes from different branches in all values in the average of reaction time, claw-back-leg strength and flexibility values (p <0.05). In conclusion, it is considered that sports activities in different branches are an important factor in development of motoric features of the human body, for this reason; it is important to take the signified differences into consideration when choosing talent for the branches in sport.Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetBu çalismanin amaci;  farkli türde yapilan sportif aktiviteler ve sedanter yasamin insanin fizyolojik yapisinda bulunan bazi motorik özellikleri nasil etkiledigini ve spor branslari arasinda hangi brans için hangi parametrelerin daha önemli oldugunu ortaya koymak suretiyle, sporda yetenek seçimine katki bir saglayabilmektir. Çalismaya, en az üç yil süreyle spor yapmis ve halen aktif olarak spor yapan yetiskin sporcular ve yetiskin sedanter bireyler katildi. Toplam 212 kisiden 157’si erkek, 55’i bayan olmak üzere katilimcilarin 119’u sporcu, 93’ü ise sedanterdi. Testlere gönüllü olarak katilan tüm deneklere, sirasi ile basit reaksiyon zaman testi (sag el ve sol el olmak üzere), sag ve sol el kavrama, sirt ve bacak kuvveti testleri ile esneklik (otur-uzan) testi uygulandi. Elde edilen verilerin ikili karsilastirmalari için Bagimsiz örneklem t-testi ve çoklu karsilastirmalari için ise One-Way ANOVA test yöntemi kullanildi. Katilimcilardan gerek sporcu erkek ve bayanlarin gerekse sedanter erkek ve bayanlarin sag el reaksiyon zamani, el kavrama, sirt-bacak kuvveti degerleri ortalamalari arasinda anlamli farklilik oldugu (p<0,05), sporcu ve sedanter, erkek ve bayanlarin sol el reaksiyon zamani ve esneklik degerleri ortalamalari arasinda ise anlamli farkliliklarin olmadigi tespit edildi (p>0,05). Sporcu ve sedanter bireylerde reaksiyon zamani, el kavrama, sirt-bacak kuvveti ve esneklik degerleri ortalamalari arasinda anlamli farkliliklar görülürken (p<0.05), tüm degerler anlamli bulunmakla birlikte reaksiyon zamani ve kuvvet ölçümleri ile esneklik degerleri sporcularda daha iyi bulundu. Çesitli branslardaki sporcularin reaksiyon zamani, el kavrama-sirt-bacak kuvveti ve esneklik degerleri ortalamalarinda ise tüm degerlerde branslar arasi anlamli farkliliklarin oldugu tespit edildi (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak farkli türde yapilan sportif aktivitelerin insan vücudundaki motorik özelliklerin gelistirilmesinde önemli bir etken oldugu ve bu nedenle sporda yetenek seçimi yapilirken belirtilen farkliliklara dikkat edilmesinin önemli oldugu düsünülmektedir.

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