Home  /  Jurnal Go Infotech  /  Vol: 21 Núm: 2 Par: 0 (2015)  /  Article



A pioneer in information systems perform a wide range of businesses, particularly used to perform both functional and divisional organizations. The rapid growth of Science, Technology and Communication, in particular in the field of computer systems in every aspect of life and the use of computer technology and communication technology to produce a merging of information systems that are currently being easier to be accessed without knowing the limitations of time and distance using Internet network. The Safira is one of the industry engaged in the sale of batik clothes that will use the technology in terms of marketing and sales strategies. That requires a web-based applications such as e-commerce website that can provide information about products to customers quickly through the Internet network technology. Analysis menggunan Critical Succes factor (CSF) for affiliate marketing and online business The Safira, the design of which was built with the procedures of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) with the strengthening and establishment of design data base, with the purpose of formation of accounting information system that is relevant, reliable and transparancy and accountability in preparing the financial statements of each transaction economics at The Safira.Keywords : Information, sales, business online

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