Effect of the case analysis method on nursing students’ assessment skills of ethical problems Vaka analiz yönteminin hemsirelik ögrencilerinin etik sorun degerlendirme becerilerine etkisi


In an ethics course, one of the important ways for students to separate ethical values and problems from other problem clusters and to learn how to evaluate ethical values and decision-making is to use the method of case analysisThe study was performed descriptively in order to determine the effect of the use of case analysis method under the scope of a nursing ethics course in terms of students’ assessment skills regarding ethical problems.  The study was conducted descriptively in order to determine the effect of the use of the case analysis method on students’ assessment skills of ethical problems in teaching an ethics course in nursing. 58 students taking the ethics course in the undergraduate program at the Nursing Department at Gazi University in the Health Sciences Faculty during the 2009-2010 academic years constituted the sample for the study. Research data were obtained by using a data collection form. This form included a total of ten questions, two of which were related to each of four cases, and two of which were related to the students’ participation in a scientific program regarding ethics and their academic averages. A data collection form was used three times in the nursing ethics course. Numbers, percentages, and a Cochran Test were also used in the assessment of data.In the first case, it was determined that the students’ awareness of the nature of common violations of ethical principles had increased over time but that the differences were not statistically significant. In the second case, students’ awareness of the ethical values  involved and the sources that they referred to in making ethical decisions were examined and it was determined that the difference was statistically significant. In the third and the fourth cases, it was found that the students’ awareness of the presence of characteristic ethical dilemmas had increased gradually in each phase but that the difference was not statistically significant. In line with these results, it is suggested here that the case analysis method may be used effectively for students taking an ethics course and that this study could be repeated using a large sampling group in order to determine whether students have enough understanding of common ethical problems. ÖzetEtik dersinde ögrencinin, etik degerleri, etik sorunlari diger sorun kümelerinden ayirmasini, bir etik degerin harcanma gerekçesini ve etik karar verme sürecini ögrenebilmesinin önemli bir yolu vaka analizi ile çalismaktir.Arastirma, Hemsirelikte Etik Dersi’nin ögretiminde vaka analizi yönteminin kullanilmasinin ögrencilerin etik sorunu degerlendirme becerilerine etkisini belirlemek amaciyla tanimlayici olarak yapilmistir.Arastirmanin örneklemini, 2009-2010 egitim-ögretim yilinda bir üniversitenin Saglik Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemsirelik Bölümü lisans programinda yer alan Hemsirelikte Etik Dersi’ne devam eden 58 ögrenci olusturmustur.Arastirmanin verileri, veri toplama formu ile elde edilmistir. Veri toplama formu; arastirmacilar tarafindan hazirlanmis dört vaka ve bunlara iliskin iki soru, ögrencilerin akademik ortalamasi ve etik ile ilgili bilimsel bir programa katilma durumlarina iliskin iki soru olmak üzere toplam 10 sorudan olusmustur. Veri toplama formu, Hemsirelikte Etik Dersi’nde farkli zamanlarda 3 defa uygulanmistir. Verilerin degerlendirilmesinde sayi, yüzdelikler ve Cochran Testi kullanilmistir.Ögrencilerin birinci vakada, etik ilke ihlalini ve etik ilke ihlalinin niteligini bilme durumlarinin zamanla arttigi ancak, farkin istatistiksel açidan anlamli olmadigi saptanmistir. Ögrencilerin ikinci vakada, harcanan etik degeri ve etik karar vermede rehber alacaklari kaynaklari bilme durumlari incelenmis ve farkin istatistiksel açidan anlamli oldugu belirlenmistir. Ögrencilerin üçüncü ve dördüncü vakada, etik ikilemin varligini ve etik ikilemin özelligini bilme durumlarinin her uygulamada giderek arttigi ancak, farkin istatistiksel açidan anlamli olmadigi bulunmustur. Bu sonuçlar dogrultusunda, etik derslerinde, ögrencilerin etik sorunlari ve ikilemleri kavrayabilmeleri için vaka analizi yönteminin kullanilmasi ve bu çalismanin genis örneklem grubu üzerinde tekrarlanmasi önerilmektedir.

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