Information literacy views of the teacher candidates registered to pedagogical formation certificate program on Pedagojik formasyon sertifika programina kayitli ögretmen adaylarinin bilgi okuryazarligina iliskin görüsleri


It is known that different studies are carried out for information literacy standards. In the first step of this study, information literacy standards; which were published by Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), was examined chronogically. These standards are “Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education”, “Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education” and “Information Literacy Standards for Teacher Education” respectively. The qualifications required for an appropriate person for information literacy are generally defined according to these standards. Then, in the related literature of information literacy studies which are conducted on teacher, teacher candidates and undergraduate students were examined. This study was carried out in Çankiri Karatekin University in 2016-2017 academic period with the teacher candidates who were in the position of being graduated from different sciences, 106 teacher candidates. Different questions about information literacy were directed to those 106 student and answers received. A qualitative analysis study was carried out by evaluating the answers that received. NVIVO programme was used to analyse the answers. The answers of the teacher candidates were evaluated according to the qualifications determined in the examined standards. As a result, it is seen that teacher candidates are able to define the qualifications of aperson, who is defined as an information literature, are defined as with general terms however they suffer difficulties in details.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBilgi okuryazarligi standartlarina yönelik olarak farkli çalismalarin yapildigi bilinmektedir. Bu çalismada ilk olarak, Amerika Üniversite ve Arastirma Kütüphaneleri Dernegi (ACRL: Association of College and Research Libraries) tarafindan yayimlanan “Yüksek Ögretimde Bilgi Okuryazarligi Yetkinlik Standartlari”, “Ögretmen Egitimi için Bilgi Okuryazarligi Standartlari” ve “Yüksekögretim Için Bilgi Okuryazarligi Çerçevesi” dokümanlari kronolojik olarak degerlendirilmis ve bilgi okuryazari olarak tanimlanan bir bireyde olmasi gereken nitelikler genel olarak tanimlanmistir. Çalismanin sonraki asamasinda; ilgili literatürde, ögretmen, ögretmen adayi ve lisans ögrencileri üzerine yürütülen bilgi okuryazarligi çalismalari incelenmistir. Arastirmanin son bölümünde; 2016-2017 akademik döneminde, Çankiri Karatekin Üniversitesinde, Formasyon egitimi alan fen ve sosyal bilimler alanlarindan 106 ögretmen adayina bilgi okuryazarligi ile ilgili farkli sorularin yöneltilmesi ve alinan yanitlarin nitel olarak degerlendirilmesini içeren uygulama çalismasina yer verilmistir. Degerlendirme asamasinda, NVIVO 12 programi kullanilmis, alinan yanitlar derinlemesine analiz edilmistir. Ögretmen adaylarindan alinan yanitlar, incelenen standartlarda belirlenen nitelikler dogrultusunda degerlendirilmistir. Sonuç olarak ögretmen adaylarinin genel ifadeler ile bilgi okuryazari bir bireyde olmasi gereken nitelikleri tanimladiklari ancak detaylarda zorlandiklari dikkat çekmistir.

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