Determinants of nursing students' healthy life style


This descriptive research was carried out to determine the demographic characteristics that effect of healthy life style behavior of the students at Uludag University. The study sample included 336 students in School of Health. The healthy life style behavior scale (HLSB-II) was used to measure healthy life style behaviors.          The total scores HLSB scale-II of students (128.97 ±16.40), subscales health responsibility (29.75 ± 4.19), physical activity (16.60 ± 4.24), nutrition (19.40 ± 3.73), spiritual growth (26.93 ± 4.06), interpersonal relationships (26.16 ± 4.25) and stress management (19.44 ± 3.57) were found. The student nurses performed the best in health responsibility but the worst in physical activity. It was also found that girls more than men have a high average in total average. Students' income level is found to influence the ability to deal with the nutrition.          As a result, healthy life style behavior of students was generally found to be medium level in this study. Students should be empowered to make healthy choices, and appropriate health education interventions should be developed.

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