Information on the geography and environment: the use of fish poison and food containing goitrogenic substance, the use of pesticide on agriculture and environment contamination of lead and mercury in relation to  Iodine Deficiency  Disorders (IDD) are discussed in this paper. Geography  location is grouped into 3 categories i.e. highland area, lowland area  and swampy land areas. Goitre prevalence in highland, lowland and swampy areas  were 30.3%, 8.7%, and 2.8% respectively. The goitre prevalence (8.7%) in lowland areas showed that there are pockets of goitre areas. In some coastal areas, fishermen use fish poison to kill certain fish to save the growth of milkjish from disturbance. If one consumed the death fish the level of chloride in blood will increase and will reduce the bio-synthesis of thyroxine (T4)  hormone. That is why cases of goitre were found in coastal areas. Value of urinary thiocynates can be used as indicator that one consumes goitrogenic substances i.e. cyanates. Detoxification process of cyanates produces thiocyanates. If one consumes sufficient protein containing sulphurous the cyanates will convert into thiocyanates. The use of pesticide on agriculture could be decreased the hormone cholinesterase. As goitrogenic substance residu of pesticide will lead to delay the biosynthesis of thyroxine (T4) hormone. Research findings indicated that in lowland area of East Java that blood lead level was associated with hypothyroidism. It is assumed that contamination of lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) in water come from residual industry. It was reported from another research in Yogyakarta that women  lived in urban area who was exposured by Pb in gas emission of motor-vehicle had relatively risk suffering from hypothyroidism 4 times than those of not contaminated.   Key words: geography, environment, fish poison, cloride, goitrogenic substance.

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