As the number of aging population increases there is a corresponding rise in the number of the elderly with disabilities in social, physical, mental or psychological. Generally, most of the elderly suffers from chronic diseases, which may change to acute exacerbation. In addition, some progressive diseases could cause prolong potential disabilities prior to death. This elderly people requite regular medical check up to reduce dependencies and disabilities. For older people there are numerous barriers to have effective sociomedical care. This work was conducted to study the correlation between disturbing symptoms in daily activities, and social economic status, and access to medical care, and self treatment for elderly people. Data for the analysis was obtained from Natiorzal Social economic survey 2001. The analysis revealed that the common symptoms found in elderly group were cough, common cold and hard breathing. In urban area, the highest percentage of symptoms found in high income group (35%), while in rural area it was found in low income group (28%). The percentage of health seeking behaviors was slightly higher among old men comparing with old women. But there was no different between an old men and old women for self treatment. however it was also found that there was a tendency that higher income of elderly has higher percentage of health seeking behaviours, compared to 61 percent and 45 percent, and for the educated group that higher education of  the elderly has lower percentage for self treatment, compwed  to 45 percent and 57 percent.   Key word : aging, health seeking behavior

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