In the South Tapanuli, North of Sumatera, there is place that was an endemy of malaria by historical. The variety of malaria paracit in this place called Plasmodium falciparum and P. Vivax which kind of the vector is Anopheles sundaicus. In 1992 was reported that happen of out breaks of malaria. The rising of out breaks of malaria were happened because fishpond is not keep properly then  become breeding place of A.sundaicus. The situation like that caused the incident of malaria. Beside that physical and biological environment and community behavior was assumed influence toward rising of out breaks of malaria in the South Tapanuli. If there is no efforts to preventive and controled malaria, therfore the out breaks of malaria will can happen again. Therefore to anticipate the situation like this, was conducted the epidemiology study which including some aspects, such as social and cultural aspect. The data of social and cultural aspect include knowledge/perception, ettitude and community behavior which is relation with transmision of malariaThe data was collected by interview use questionaire. Beside observation toward community behavior and places which assumed  complete the data concerning of society habits which pressumable is closed by malaria infection and places for malaria infected vektor mosquito multiplyed. The total respondents is 495, consist of 270 respondents from Batang Angkola district and 225 respondents from Siabu distict. The mayority respondents is woman and moslem whose graduated from elementary school. Generally, the main job of respondents was farmer and only a few were trader and civil servant or employee in private company. The traders ussuallly have made their transactions in traditional market and the others have a coffe shop in the street of the night. Most of the citizen to take care goldfish. The generally respondents is homogenous but few of them are imigrants and just arrived in that place. The majority of respondents ever heard about malaria but only a few o,(them lm.owing how malaria was infected and its symptoms. Generally, respons is assumed malaria is an infected disease and infected by mosquito. Moreover, they assume malaria is dangerous disease but many people not knowing how the mosquito infected malaria. The respondents ever infected by malaria illness and their recovery often by medication from a health assisten. Generally, the citizen have habits to discussion outside of the house at night or in the co!Je shop meanwhile they were wacthing a television. After that, when people slept at night, most respondents did not used the mosquito net for protection tools from disturbance and mosquito bit. Using mosquito net is not a habit yet by citizen and a habit to sleep outside home at night is supporting toward transmision of malaria.   Key word: Perception, habits, malaria.

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