Print Media and the Political Reform in EthiopiaThe editorial contents of the Reporter newspaper in Ethiopia from 2017 to 2019


This research examines the agenda and frames used by the Reporter newspaper editorial coverage of issues and actors before and after the reform in Ethiopia. The study applies a quantitative content analysis method and examined 99 (Period 1 = 57 and Period 2 = 42) editorials in all periods. The source of data and the period of data collection were purposely selected. The results indicated that societal issues, government, and party issues were frequent in both periods. The professional journalist was the only Author in both periods. More government criticism and more reforms were mentioned before the reform. Compared with editorials published before and after the reform, noticeable changes were observed in government critique, attribution of responsibility frames, human interest frames and economic issue frames. However, content selection, sources of information, mentioned reforms, conflict relationship frames, and ideological frames didn’t have relationship with the date of publication. Finally, the Reporter editorials coverage did change significantly in many respects, although it is difficult to determine the causes of the changes—economic factors, reduced political control, social changes or globalization forces.

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Características clínicas de la catarata senil en santa rita, Zulia, Venezuela, julio-noviembre de 2007 / Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of patients surgically treated by senile cataracts in Santa Rita, Zulia, Venezuela, July to November 2007Características clínicas de la catarata senil en santa rita, Zulia, Venezuela, julio-noviembre de 2007 / Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of patients surgically treated by senile cataracts in Santa Rita, Zulia, Venezuela, July to November 2007Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal para conocer las características clínico-epidemiológicas en pacientes operados de catarata senil, en Santa Rita, Zulia, de julio a noviembre de 2007. El universo estuvo conformado por 203 pacientes (ojos), la selección de la muestra se realizó de forma aleatoria simple, y se estimaron 56 pacientes operados (ojos). Los datos se obtuvieron a través de la observación del paciente y examen oftalmológico y de las historias clínicas individuales. Se confeccionó una planilla para la recogida de la información. Se utilizaron los métodos de la estadística descriptiva y resumieron las variables en frecuencias absolutas y relativas porcentuales. Se encontró que había un predominio del grupo de edad entre 60 y 69 años y el sexo femenino. El 53,6 % de los pacientes son diabéticos, y el glaucoma ocupaba el segundo lugar con 39.3 %. La agudeza visual preoperatoria estaba fundamentalmente en el rango de 0,3-0,6 (58.9 %). La catarata afectó a ambos ojos por igual. Las complicaciones en general fueron infrecuentes (< 20 %), con variaciones en dependencia del tiempo: entre las inmediatas fueron el edema corneal y la hipertensión ocular secundaria; en las mediatas fueron la subluxación del LIO y a la queratopatía bullosa, mientras las tardías estuvieron representadas por la opacidad de la cápsula posterior. La mayoría de los pacientes evaluó de buena tanto la satisfacción con el servicio quirúrgico y con el seguimiento en la comunidad. Se recomienda generalizar estos resultados para contribuir a elevar la calidad de vida y una mayor satisfacción de la población venezolana afectada por la Catarata Senil. Palabras clave: Catarata/complicaciones, clínica general, epidemiología, cirugía.ABSTRACT An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out to describe the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of patients surgically treated by senile cataracts in Santa Rita, Zulia. Venezuela. July to November 2007. The universe was comprised of 203 patients (eyes), and the simple random sample was estimated in 56 patients (eyes). Data were obtained from the observation of the patient, ophthalmologic examination and the individual clinical records. A form was printed to collect information. Descriptive statistical methods were used to represent variables in absolute and relative frequencies. The age bracket 60-69 and females prevailed; 53, 6 % of patients were diabetic, glaucoma occupied the 2nd place with 39.3%. Pre-operatory visual acuity was mainly in the rank of 0, 3-0,6 (58,9 %). Cataract affected both eyes in the same proportions. Post-operative complications were infrequent (< 20 %), varying on time of presentations, among the immediate ones were: the corneal edema and the secondary ocular hypertension; among the mediate were subluxation of IOL and bullosa keratopathy, whereas the late complication, posterior capsule opacity was the most observed. Most of the patients evaluated either the satisfaction with the surgical service, or the follow up in the community as good. These results should be generalized to contribute to the increase of the quality of life and a greater satisfaction of the Venezuelan population affected by Senile Cataracts. Key words: Cataract/complications, general clinics, epidemiology, surgery.

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ABSTRACT An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out to describe the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of patients surgically treated by senile cataracts in Santa Rita, Zulia. Venezuela. July to November 2007. The ... see more

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