Misconceptions in accounting education Muhasebe egitiminde kavram yanilgilari


The processes of change and development experienced in every field nowadays with globalization and rapid improving technology have also presented themselves in the field of education.  Changes in education have undoubtedly influenced accounting and accounting education. In order to complete and improve the deficiencies of accounting education, the misconceptions in accounting courses in accounting education should be determined and resolved. In this way, the quality of accounting education will be increased. The purpose of this practice is to investigate the existence of misconceptions in some concepts in accounting courses. A two-tier diagnostic test was developed to detect misconceptions. In this test, the first stepcoversthe demographic features. The second step consists of two stages for the detection of misconceptions; the first is made up of multiple choice and the second is open-ended 20 questions. The total of 112 4th year students of thedepartment of business administration Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences particapted in the present research. In the research, demographic features were analyzed in SPSS 24 package program and two-tier diagnostic test was used for misconception detection questions and the results were grouped. According to the findings of the research, students have misconceptions in some concepts.?Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetGünümüzde küresellesme ve hizli gelisen teknolojiyle birlikte her alanda yasanan gelisim ve degisim süreci egitim alaninda da kendisini göstermistir. Egitim alaninda yasanan degisim ve gelisimler süphesiz muhasebe egitimini de etkilemistir. Muhasebe egitiminin eksiklerinin tamamlanmasi ve gelistirilmesi için muhasebe egitiminde yer alan muhasebe derslerinde olusan kavram yanilgilarinin tespit edilmesi ve giderilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu sayede muhasebe egitimi kalitesi arttirilmis olacaktir. Bu çalismanin amaci muhasebe derslerinde geçen bazi kavramlarda kavram yanilgisinin varligini arastirmaktir. Kavram yanilgilarini tespit etmek için iki asamali teshis testi gelistirilmistir. Bu testte ilk bölümü demografik özellikler olusturmustur. Ikinci asamada ise kavram yanilgilarinin tespitine yönelik iki asamali, ilki çoktan seçmeli, ikincisi ise açik uçlu 20 adet sorudan olusmaktadir. Arastirmaya Karamanoglu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi Isletme bölümü 4. sinifta egitim gören 112 ögrenci katilmistir. Arastirmada demografik özellikler SPSS 24 paket programinda analiz edilmis, kavram yanilgi tespit sorulari için ise iki asamali teshis testi kullanilmis ve sonuçlar gruplandirilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda ögrencilerin bazi kavramlarda, kavram yanilgilari oldugu tespit edilmistir.

pp. 938 - 960
Social Sciences
Journal of Human Sciences

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