Secularism and Religious Faith


In apologetic work below author compares the ideal types of secular ideology (being understood as superstition) and religious one (as faith  in God), showing a competitive and conflictual nature of their interaction. The article demonstrates ideological and moral bankruptcy of secular worldview, his apophatic, negative pathos of pseudo freedom from one’s duties and relations, and, as a result, from the meaning and true value of human life.The purpose of this document is to criticize  the theology of political correctness, i.e. attempts to soften the adherence to Biblical principles of moral evaluation of the atheistic way of life, as well to criticize the false spirituality of New Age movement that would return a civilized consumer to the pagan deification of human instincts.Separation of Church and State, bought with the lives of thousands of Protestants, is one of the major achievements of Modern time. Solving the problem of moral degradation of society lies not in the reduction of the space of freedom like it was in the medieval Catholic Europe, but in the following  moral precepts of the Gospel by the Church, not the short-term political order, albeit with a religious tinge, and the continued execution of the Great Commission.

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