Home  /  EnviroScienteae  /  Vol: 10 Núm: 3 Par: 0 (2014)  /  Article

PEMODELAN DINAMIK KUALITAS AIR PADA BUDIDAYA IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus ) DI PERAIRAN RAWA Abstract view : 99 times DOI: 10.20527/es.v10i3.1975


Increased  feeding at the waste of  feed and feces are discharged into the aquatic environment  make increase the consumption of dissolved oxygen  to decompose. If it continues, there will be an aerobic and reductive conditions, especially in bottom water, they  will be accelerate the decomposition of organic material in aerobic to produce toxic materials which endanger the fish. Purpose of this study was simulate the dynamic model of water quality in tilapia farming in the swamp waters, so can make a good scenario in produced tilapia farming activities in production of appropriate sustainable land productivity capabilities. Data analysis of dynamic model was performed with Power Sim Studio 5. simulation results showed  the growth of tilapia with probiotics feed better than without probiotic feed, and environmental improvements swamp waters. Recommended on first scenario (one crop) and second scenario (two crops) in a year , there is a time break of reproduction  if  harvest done 1-2 times a year for recovery (self purification) natural wetlands, then can create more sustainable aquaculture. The third simulation (three harvests a year) are not recommended, because the land  used continuously without a break will cause impaired water quality and impact on the decline in fish production as well as unsustainable.

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