Choroba Alzheimera – rola badan immunohistochemicznych w diagnostyce choroby = Alzheimer's disease - the role of immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of disease


Cichacz-Kwiatkowska Beata, Sekita-Krzak Joanna, Kot-Bakiera Katarzyna, Jodlowska-Jedrych Barbara, Wawryk-Gawda Ewelina. Choroba Alzheimera – rola badan immunohistochemicznych w diagnostyce choroby = Alzheimer's disease - the role of immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of disease. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(2):122-137. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI  The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 01.01.2016. Revised 12.01.2016. Accepted: 31.01.2016.  Choroba Alzheimera – rola badan immunohistochemicznych w diagnostyce chorobyAlzheimer's disease - the role of immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of disease  Beata Cichacz-Kwiatkowska1ABD, Joanna Sekita-Krzak1ABD, Katarzyna Kot-Bakiera1ABD, Barbara Jodlowska-Jedrych1ABD, Ewelina Wawryk-Gawda1ABD 1Katedra i Zaklad Histologii i Embriologii z Pracownia Cytologii Doswiadczalnej, Uniwersytet Medyczny, Lublin, Polska  Authors’ Contribution:A Study DesignB Data CollectionC Statistical AnalysisD Manuscript PreparationE Funds Collection Slowa kluczowe: badania immunohistochemiczne, choroba Alzheimera, wewnatrzkomórkowe zwyrodnienia wlókienkowe typu Alzheimera, bialkowe prekursor amyloidu. Key words: immunohistochemistry, Alzheimer's disease, neurofibrillary tangles, amyloid precursor protein. Glosariusz: Choroba Alzheimera – najczestsza postac otepienia, nieuleczalna i postepujaca choroba neurodegeneracyjna, po raz pierwszy opisana w 1906 przez Alois Alzheimer [1] Glossary:  Alzheimer's disease (AD), also known as Alzheimer disease, the most common form of dementia, progressive neurodegenerative disease, first described by Alois Alzheimer in 1906 [1] StreszczenieChoroba Alzheimera jest przewlekla i postepujaca choroba neurodegeneracyjna, bedaca zarazem najczestsza przyczyna zespolu otepiennego. Skutki tej choroby dotykaja zarówno samego pacjenta i jego otoczenie, przybierajac wymiar zarówno spoleczny jak i ekonomiczny. Czestosc wystepowania otepienia towarzyszacego chorobie Alzheimera podwaja sie co 4,5 roku u osób po 65. roku zycia. U podloza tego schorzenia lezy zróznicowana grupa zaburzen zwiazanych ze starzeniem sie organizmu oraz interakcjami genetycznymi i srodowiskowymi. Procesy neurodegeneracyjne obserwowane w przebiegu choroby Alzheimera prowadza do uposledzenia morfologicznego i fizjologicznego neuronów oraz w konsekwencji ich smierci. Doprowadza to bezposrednio do uposledzenia kontroli poznawczej. W zmienionej patologicznie tkance nerwowej chorych stwierdzono obecnosc nieprawidlowych struktur, takich jak blaszki amyloidowe i zwyrodnienia wlókienkowe (splatki neurofibrylarne). Sformulowano wiele hipotez starajacych sie wyjasnic procesy prowadzace do neurodegeneracji, najczesciej wymieniana jest teoria kaskady amyloidowej. Metody immunohistochemiczne pozwalaja na wykrycie, zlokalizowanie i oznaczenie zmian neurodegeneracyjnych zwiazanych z choroba Alzheimera. Wykorzystywane sa tutaj zarówno przeciwciala poli- jak i monoklonalne, a same badania charakteryzuja sie duza czuloscia i swoistoscia. SummaryAlzheimer's disease is a chronic, progressive disease, which has been classified as a most frequent causes of dementia in the elderly population. The consequences of this disease affects the patient and his family and have a social and economic dimension. In the population over 65 years of age the incidence of dementias accompanying Alzheimer's disease doubles every 4.5 years. This disease is caused by a diverse group of genetic and environmental disorders associated with aging of the organism. Neurodegenerative processes seen during the Alzheimer's Disease result in impairment of neurons morphological and physiological functions causing their death. This leads directly to the impairment of patients cognitive functions. In the pathologically altered nerve tissue the presence of abnormal structures such as amyloid plaques and fibrillar degeneration (neurofibrillary tangles) is revealed. Many hypotheses have been formulated trying to explain the processes leading to neurodegeneration, and the most often mentioned is the amyloid cascade theory. Immunohistochemistry can detect, locate and mark the changes related to the Alzheimer's disease neurodegeneration. They are used here both poly- and monoclonal antibodies, and the same tests are highly sensitive and specific.

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