Korelacje porzadku rang Charlesa Spearmana pomiedzy zmianami postawy w plaszczyznie strzalkowej a reakcjami posturalnymi u dziewczat w wieku 12-15 lat = Correlations of Charles Spearman rank order between changes of posture in a sagittal plane and postural reactions in girls aged 12-15 years


Wilczynski Jacek, Karolak Przemyslaw, Paprocki Michal, Rychter Pawel, Wilczynski Igor. Korelacje porzadku rang Charlesa Spearmana pomiedzy zmianami postawy w plaszczyznie strzalkowej a reakcjami posturalnymi u dziewczat w wieku 12-15 lat = Correlations of Charles Spearman rank order between changes of posture in a sagittal plane and postural reactions in girls aged 12-15 years. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(5):38-54. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.04.2016. Revised 25.04.2016. Accepted: 05.05.2016. KORELACJE PORZADKU RANG CHARLESA SPEARMANA POMIEDZY ZMIANAMI POSTAWY W PLASZCZYZNIE STRZALKOWEJ A REAKCJAMI POSTURALNYMI U DZIEWCZAT W WIEKU 12-15 LAT CORRELATIONS OF CHARLES SPEARMAN RANK ORDER BETWEEN CHANGES OF POSTURE IN A SAGITTAL PLANE AND POSTURAL REACTIONS IN GIRLS AGED 12-15 YEARS Jacek Wilczynski, Przemyslaw Karolak, Michal Paprocki, Pawel Rychter, Igor Wilczynski Instytut Fizjoterapii, Wydzial Lekarski i Nauk o Zdrowiu, UJK w Kielcach dr hab. n. o k. f. Jacek Wilczynski,mgr Przemyslaw Karolak,mgr Michal Paprocki,mgr Pawel Rychter,licencjat Igor WilczynskiInstytut Fizjoterapii,Wydzial Lekarski i Nauk o Zdrowiu,UJK w Kielcach Slowa kluczowe: korelacje porzadku rang Charlesa Spearmana, zmiany postawy w plaszczyznie strzalkowej, reakcje posturalne. Key words: correlations of Charles Spearman rank, changes of posture in a sagittal plane, postural reactions. StreszczenieCelem pracy byla analiza korelacji porzadku rang Spearmana pomiedzy zmianami postawy w plaszczyznie strzalkowej a reakcjami posturalnymi u dziewczat w wieku 12-15 lat. W badaniach bralo udzial 247 dziewczat w wieku 12-15 lat ze Szkoly Podstawowej Nr 13 i Gimnazjum Nr 4 w Starachowicach. Badania wykonano w listopadzie 2005 roku. W badaniach postawy zastosowano technike fotogrametrii przestrzennej wykorzystujaca efekt mory projekcyjnej. W badaniach reakcji równowaznych zastosowano platforme Cosmogamma by Emildue R 50300. Wykonywano standardowy test Romberga w staniu swobodnym. Do analizy statystycznej zastosowano srednia arytmetyczna (x) i odchylenie standardowe (s). Rozklady zmiennych opisujacych postawe analizowano testem Liliefors. Reakcje posturalne zweryfikowano pod wzgledem normalnosci rozkladu testem Kolmogorowa-Smirnowa. W przypadku, gdy rozklad próby róznil sie istotnie od normalnego dla wyznaczenia wspólzaleznosci dwóch cech zastosowano nieparametryczny test korelacji Spearmana. W grupie dziewczat dominowaly korelacje wprost proporcjonalne, których bylo siedem: DELTA/SPOY (OE), DKP/GP (OE), DKP/DS (OE), DKP/PB (OE), GLL/SPOY (OE), DLL/SPOY (CE), DKP/PP (OE). Korelacje odwrotnie proporcjonalne wystapily w czterech przypadkach: RLL/PP (CE), DCK WZR/SPOX (OE), DLL/PP (CE), KLL/SPOY (OE). Korelacje istotne statystycznie czesciej wystepowaly, kiedy test Romberga odbywal sie z oczami otwartymi (OE): DELTA/SPOY (OE), DKP/GP (OE), DKP/DS (OE), DKP/PB (OE), GLL/SPOY (OE), DKP/PP (OE), DCK WZR/SPOX (OE) KLL/SPOY (OE). Wsród korelacji z oczami otwartymi (OE) bylo szesc wprost proporcjonalnych: DELTA/SPOY (OE), DKP/GP (OE), DKP/DS (OE), DKP/PB (OE), GLL/SPOY (OE), DKP/PP (OE) i tylko dwie ujemne: DCK WZR/SPOX (OE), KLL/SPOY (OE). W tescie Romberga z oczami zamknietymi (CE) wystapila jedna istotna korelacja dodatnia: DLL/SPOY (CE) i dwie korelacje ujemne: RLL/PP (CE), DLL/PP (CE). SummaryThe aim of this study was to analyze the correlation of the Spearman rank order between changes of posture in the sagittal plane and postural reactions in girls aged 12-15 years. The studies included 247 girls aged 12-15 years from the Primary School No. 13 and Grammar School No. 4 in Starachowice. The study was performed in November 2005. The research approach used photogrammetry technique that uses spatial projection moiré effect. The study of balance reaction sense study used the Cosmogamma platform by Emildue R 50300. Romberg test was performed in a standard free standing. For statistical analysis, the arithmetic mean (x) and standard deviation (s) were used. The distributions of variables describing the posture were analyzed by Liliefors test. Postural reactions were verified in terms of distribution normality with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. If the distribution of the sample differed significantly from normal, for determining the correlation between two characteristics, nonparametric Spearman correlation test was used. In the group of girls dominated proportional correlations, in the number of seven: DELTA/SPOY (OE), DKP/GP (OE), DKP/DS (OE), DKP/PB (OE), GLL/SPOY (OE), DLL/SPOY (CE), DKP/PP (OE). Correlates inversely proportional occurred in four cases: RLL/PP (CE), DCK WZR/SPOX (OE), DLL/PP (CE), KLL/SPOY (OE). Statistically significant correlations were more frequent when the Romberg test was conducted with eyes open (EO): DELTA/SPOY (OE), DKP/GP (OE), DKP/DS (OE), DKP/PB (OE), GLL/SPOY (OE), DKP/PP (OE), DCK WZR/SPOX (OE) KLL/SPOY (OE). Among the correlation with eyes open (EO) was six directly proportional: DELTA/SPOY (OE), DKP/GP (OE), DKP/DS (OE), DKP/PB (OE), GLL/SPOY (OE), DKP/PP (OE) and only two negative: DCK WZR/SPOX (OE), KLL/SPOY (OE). In the Romberg test with eyes closed (CE) there was one significant positive correlation: DLL/SPOY (CE) and two negative correlations of: RLL/PP (Z), DLL/PP (CE).

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