Analysis of the bioclimatical comfortable conditions of Artvin province and its importance in tourismArtvin ilinin biyoklimatik konfor sartlarinin analizi ve turizm bakimindan önemi


Tourism climatology is a popular field of study that deals with the relationship between tourism and climate through approaches such as applied climatology and human biometeorology. One of the subjects studied most in this field is the evaluation of bioclimatic comfort conditions. In recent years, inferences of this sort have been able to be made easily by use of certain indices. This study aims at evaluating and analyzing the bioclimatic comfort conditions of Artvin province by use of GIS. Within the scope of the research aim, monthly values belonging to SET*, PET, PMV, TCI, THI and SSI indices were calculated by use of meteorological data. SET*, PET, and PMV indices were determined via RayMan 1.2 while TCI, THI, and SSI indices were ascertained through Microsoft Excel 2013 supported analyses of various formulas. The obtained values were analyzed through GIS techniques. Also, statistical methods were utilized to make the research findings more meaningful. All in all, the province was seen to have comfortable conditions. This is because; the comfortable (1) class (68.9%) covers a wider area than uncomfortable (0) class (31.1%) in the province. Bioclimatic comfort classes are shaped by geographical position, elevation, and topography in Artvin province. Valleys with an elevation of less than 2000 m and coastal area are comfortable while mountainous areas (Rize, Kaçkar, Karçal, and Yalnizçam mounts) with a higher elevation are uncomfortable. The results of one-way analysis of variance (one-sample t-test) show that bioclimatic conditions have not been taken into consideration much during the planning of tourism accommodation facilities set up in Artvin province. This study evidences that GIS techniques are efficient in research on tourism climatology or bioclimatology and thus they may be used widely. ÖzetTurizm klimatolojisi, uygulamali klimatoloji ile insan biyometeorolojisi gibi yaklasimlarla turizm ve iklim arasindaki iliskiyi inceleyen popüler bir çalisma sahasidir. Bu sahada çalisilan öncelikli konulardan birisi de biyoklimatik konfor sartlarinin degerlendirilmesidir. Son yillarda bu tür çikarimlar CBS (Cografi Bilgi Sistemleri) destekli olarak bazi indisler yardimiyla kolayca yapilabilmektedir. Bu çalismada CBS kullanilarak Artvin ilinin biyoklimatik konfor sartlarinin degerlendirilmesi ve analizinin yapilmasi amaçlanmistir. Çalisma amaci kapsaminda meteorolojik veriler kullanilarak SET*, PET, PMV, TCI, THI ve SSI indislerine ait aylik degerler hesaplanmistir. SET*, PET ve PMV RayMan 1.2 yazilimi, TCI, THI ve SSI ise çesitli formüllerin Microsoft Excel 2013 destekli çözümlenmesiyle saptanmistir. Ulasilan degerler CBS teknikleriyle analiz edilmistir. Ayrica çalisma bulgularini daha anlamli kilmak amaciyla istatistiksel analiz yöntemlerinden de faydalanilmistir. Sonuçta ilin konforlu sartlar tasidigi saptanmistir. Zira ilde konforlu (1) sinif (% 68,9) konforsuz (0) sinifa (% 31,1) oranla daha fazla alan kaplamaktadir. Diger yandan ildeki biyoklimatik konfor siniflarinin cografi konum, yükseklik ve topografik sartlara göre sekillendigi tespit edilmistir. Bu baglamda 2000 m yükselti basamaginin altindaki vadiler ile kiyi sahasi konforlu, üzerindeki daglik kesimler (Rize, Kaçkar, Karçal ve Yalnizçam daglari) ise konforsuz özelliklere sahiptir. Ayrica tek yönlü varyans analizi (tek örneklem t-testi) sonuçlarina göre Artvin ilinde yapilmis turizm konaklama tesislerinin planlamalarinda biyoklimatik kosullarin çok fazla dikkate alinmadigi da belirlenmistir. Bu çalisma sayesinde turizm klimatolojisine veya biyoklimatolojiye yönelik arastirmalarda CBS tekniklerinin verimli oldugu ve yaygin bir sekilde kullanilabilecegini bir kez daha somut olarak anlasilmistir.

pp. 1050 - 1077
Social Sciences
Journal of Human Sciences

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