The effects of sensory integration technique on equilibrium processes in children after prenatal exposure to alcohol


ABSTRACTBackground:The objective of the study was evaluation of sensory integration therapyeffectiveness in children after prenatal exposure to alcohol, on the example of equilibriumprocesses. Material and methods: The study was conducted in 2012 at the Centre ofAdvanced Physiotherapy in Kielce, and covered a group of 20 children aged 4-5 who had ahistory of prenatal exposure to alcohol. The children systematically participated in a one-hourSI therapy session, once a week for the period of 6 months. Results: While evaluating theequilibrium system, 5 trials with clinical observations were performed according to Ayres: theSchilder test, dynamic and static balance, gravitational uncertainty, and postrotary nystagmus.The high effectiveness of SI therapy was confirmed in children subjected to prenatal alcoholexposure based on the example of the equilibrium system. The positive effects of therapywere proved for all the tests applied: the Schilder test (p<0.001), dynamic balance (p<0.001),static balance (p<0.001), gravitational insecurity (p<0.001), and postrotary nystagmus(p<0.05). Conclusions: The sensory integration technique exerts a beneficial effect on thebalance functions of children after prenatal exposure to alcohol.

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