Home  /  Creta Antica  /  Núm: N12 Par: 0 (2011)  /  Article



The purpose of this research is to verify, in a preliminary form, a sector of the South West wing of the first palace of Phaistos, excavated by D. Levi during the 1950s. This part of the building, which has yielded a substantial number of finds, has always been highly problematic for the interpretation of data. This contribution is a proposal to create a connection to research carried out in recent years and concerning structures within and outside the palatial building, which now offers a more comprehensive reading of the context for the Protopalatial period. While waiting for a new, extensive architectural survey we found it necessary to conduct a review of the contexts in a limited number of rooms, with a series of preliminary observations on the nature and function of some architectural features, taking into account the recent shifts in methodological approach. In subsequent contributions, dedicated to the remaining areas, we consider the first results, fitting them into an overview, which requires a further detailed analysis of the data.

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Revista: Revista UCMaule