Minat belajar siswa kelas VII terhadap media pembelajaran matematika berbantuan Adobe Flash CS6Learning interest of seventh grade students towards mathematics learning media assisted by Adobe Flash CS6


Mathematics learning media is a place to channel various information about mathematics learning arranged in technology and in the form of reading. The purpose of this study was to describe students' learning interest in the use of instructional media on the material of linear equations and inequalities of one variable using Adobe Flash CS6. This research is a descriptive quantitative study with the research sample used, namely class VII students consisting of 18 students consisting of different schools. The research instrument that will be used is an instrument non-test in the form of a student learning interest questionnaire, which will contain 20 statements with 4 assessment criteria. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis. The final result of the research is that learning media Adobe Flash CS6 gives a positive response to students' interest in learning mathematics with an average percentage of the four categories of 80.47% and is classified as very good, with details of the percentage of happy feeling category of 80.00%, student interest category of 80.56% , the category of student responses is 81.11%, and the category of student involvement is 80.21%. So that the learning media gave a positive response to students.

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