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Dini Setiarsih,Rizky Nurmalya Kardina,Andreas Putro Ragil Santoso,Ahmad Miftahul Kaunain,Halimatul Afifah 10.26699/jnk.v9i2.ART.p148-153 Abstract views : 58 | PDF views : 1    

The incidence of anemia is common in adolescent girls. Anemia causes decreased learning achievement due to lack of concentration. This research aimed to analyze the determinant factors associated with the incidence of anemia in female students at Islamic... see more

Wiwiek Retti Andriani,Agus Wiwit Suwanto,Heru Wiratmoko,Agung Eko Hartanto,Sumy Dwi Antono,Endang Purwaningsih,Gandes Widya Hendrawati,Mirza Failasufi,Langgeng Cahyono    

Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) occurs due to blockage of coronary blood vessels which causes a decrease in oxygen flow and advanced conditions has an impact on physical activity. Factors associated with activity intolerance and ECG patterns suc as: sex, a... see more

Revista: Health Notions

Jelita Siska Herlina Hinonaung, Astri Juwita Mahihody, Grace Angel Wuaten    

Postpartum mothers from the first day of childbirth up to six weeks will undergo changes both physically and psychologically making intensive care indispensable. Conditions in which the postpartum mother does not get the correct and timely postnatal care... see more

Rayi Siti Nurbaya,Hadi Prayitno,Isa Ma’rufi    

The factor causing work accident at the slaughterhouse is one of them, work fatigue. Work fatigue is influenced by internal and external factors, such as age, job tenure, sleep quality, and workload. This research aimed to analyze the determinant factor ... see more

Revista: Health Notions

Katrini dos Santos Conteratto,Nathieli Aparecida da Silva,Fabiane Pertille,Tania Maria Ascari,Rosana Amora Ascari    

Objetivo: identificar o que a produção científica mundial aborda sobre os fatores determinantes do cancelamento cirúrgico. Método: revisão integrativa da literatura desenvolvida nas bases de dados Scopus; Science Direct; Web of Science; PubMed Central® e... see more