Implementation of Hospital Occupational Safety and Health Standards at General Hospitals in Kendari City


Hospital as a health service facility with its various activities has many potential dangers for both hospital human resources and patients or patient companions. Potential hazards in the hospital, can be in the form of occupational diseases besides infectious diseases, there are also other potential hazards that affect the situation and conditions in the hospital. The specific objective of this research is to see the implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health standards  which is implemented in 3 (three) General Hospitals in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi. This research uses qualitative research methods with an observational approach and in-depth interviews. This research was conducted in 3 (three) General Hospitals in Kendari City, namely: RS A, RS B and RS C. The informants in this study are those related to the implementation of K3 standard policies in hospitals. The results showed that there are several hospitals that have not carried out all the stages or equipped facilities and infrastructure related to risk management aspects, efforts to manage hazardous and toxic materials (B3) from occupational safety and health aspects, efforts to prevent and control fire as well as efforts to prepare for the face emergency or disaster conditions. This shows that the implementation of K3RS standards in several hospitals has not been implemented optimally. It is recommended for the hospital to continue to refer of the rules governing the implementation of K3RS. This includes the lack of infrastructure and facilities. As well as always carrying out briefings for all officers before working and evaluating at the end of each working hour.

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