Home  /  PSICOLINGÜÍSTICA  /  Vol: 30 Núm: 1 Par: 0 (2021)  /  Article

Features of Non-Reflexive Self-Texts of Students-Psychologists


Objective of the research is to identify and analyze the features of non-reflexive self-texts of students-psychologists.Methods. N = 79 students-psychologists (47 females and 32 males, average age is 21.9). Author's technique “Non-reflexive self-text” focuses on the creation of self-texts without reliance on rational-reflexive skills. Frequency analysis of parts of speech, logical coherence index, Trager coefficient, definiteness of action coefficient, aggressiveness coefficient, content analysis for determining thematic and figurative content of texts, and frequency analysis of autological and metalogical means of verbalization of figurative associations are used. Results. Non-reflexive self-text is defined as a text which is created mainly in the reduced phase of internal speech with the verbalization of the self-concept with relatively little participation of reflexive processes. Common and different psycholinguistic and meaningful psychological parameters of students-civilian psychologists’ and students-military psychologists’ groups as well as male and female parts of groups are determined. Non-reflexive self-texts are characterized by variability in the total number of words with a higher number of them and a higher frequency of using the pronoun “I” and a higher index of logical coherence in students-military psychologists. Five thematic blocks and imaginative associations inside of them have been singled out using content analysis: reflective person, person in development and search, a person in trials and psychological problems, positive person, and social person represented unevenly in the sample groups. Imaginative associations inside of them are determined too. Metalogical means of imaginative associations expression prevail in non-reflexive self-texts of students-psychologists. They are presented differently in thematic blocks of different groups of students.Conclusions. The conclusions about the greater psycholinguistic diversity of non-reflexive self-texts of students-civilian psychologists and the psycholinguistic heterogeneity of texts of female and male parts of the group of students-military psychologists are made. Study also concluded that thematic blocks and imaginative associations inside them are represented differently in sampling groups. Metalogical means of verbalization of imaginative associations are superior to autological ones in sample of students-psychologists.

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