Controlling and Monitoring of Temperature and Humidity of Oyster Mushrooms in Tropical Climates


Controlling the temperature and humidity of oyster mushroom cultivation is done manually by spraying air on the mushroom container so it takes a lot of time and effort. This is done to meet the requirements for growing oyster mushrooms which are strongly influenced by temperature and humidity conditions so that they can grow well. In this study, a device for controlling and monitoring the temperature and humidity of oyster mushroom cultivation was made automatically based on Arduino UNO. This tool can regulate and monitor the temperature and humidity in oyster mushroom cultivation automatically so that the temperature and humidity can be maintained without having to spend a lot of time and effort. The components used in building the automatic temperature and humidity controller for mushroom cultivation based on the Arduino UNO are the dht11 sensors, Arduino UNO, L298N driver, relay, and 16x2 I2C LCD. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the temperature and humidity control and monitoring device for automatic oyster mushroom cultivation based on Arduino UNO has been able to work well in regulating and monitoring temperature and humidity as expected.


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